Monday, March 13, 2017

This month in history

March 1717: Turkish baths for the shy

In 1717, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was travelling with her husband to Constantinoplae when she visited a bath house in Sofia. Then part of the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria had taken enthusiastically to the concept of the Turkish bath, in stout British fashion, however, Lady Mary refused to take off her clothes. Her companions took it in their stride, assuming merely that she had been locked in them by her husband as an ingenious method of preserving her chastity. Complied by Fergus Fleming

I WAS IN MY TRAVELLING DRESS, WHICH IS A RIDING dress, and certainly seemed very extraordinary to them. Yet there was not one of them that showed the least surprise or impertinent curiosity, but received me with all the obliging civility possible. I know no European curt where the ladies would have behaved themselves in so polite a manner to a stranger. I believe, in the whole, there were two hundred women, and yet none of those disdainful smiles or satirical whispers that never fail in our assemblies when anybody appears that is not dressed exactly in fashion. They repeated over and over to me: ‘Guzelle, pek gazelle,’ which is nothing but ‘charming, very charming.’ The first sofas were covered with cushions and rich carpets, on which sat the ladies, and on the second their slaves behind them, but without any distinction of rank by their dress, all being in the state of nature, that is, in plain English, stark naked, without any beauty or defect concealed. Yet there was not the least wanton smile or immodest gesture among them. […]

I was here convinced of the truth of a reflection  I had often made, that if it was the fashion to naked, th face would be hardly observed. I perceived that the ladies with finest skins and most delicate shapes had the greatest share of my admiration, though their faces were sometimes less beautiful than those of their companions. To tell you the truth. I had wickedness enough to wish secretly that Mr Gervase [ a society painter] could have been there invisible. I fancy it would have every much improved his art to see so many fine women naked, in different postures, some in conversation, some working, others drinking coffee or sherbert, and many negligently lying on their cushions while their slaves (generally pretty girls of seventeen or eighteen) were employed in braiding their hair in several pretty manners.

In short, ‘tis the women’s coffee house, where all the news of the town is told, scandal invented etc. they generally take this diversion once a week and stay there at least four of five hours, without getting cold by immediate coming out of th hot bath into the cool room. Which was very surprising to me. The lady that seemed the most considerable amongst them entreated me to sit by her and would fain have undressed me for the bath. I excused myself with some difficulty, they being however all so earnest in persuading me. I was at last forced to open my shirt and show them my stays, which satisfied them very well, for I saw they believed I was  so locked up in that machine, that it was not in my power to open it, which contrivance they attributed to my husband. I was charmed with their civility and beauty, and should have been very glad to pass more time with them, but Mr Wortley resolving to pursue his journey the next morning early I was in haste to see ther ruins of Justinian’s church, which did ot afford me so agreeable a prospect as I had left, being little more than a heap of stones.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu-The Complete Letters, Vol 1: 1708-20 (Oxford University Press, 1965).